Training events
First Annual Meeting of the HVCfP Network - September 2014
The first annual meeting of the HVCfP Network was a one-day event with a specific focus on early career researchers working in the field of industrial biotechnology. The event included: training in networking provided by KTN Ltd; scientific presentations from invited speakers and delegates and parallel sessions which allowed delegates to select from: careers in science, funding opportunities for early career researchers and public engagement and communications.
Cogent IB Skills Joint Networks Conference for Early Careers Researchers - May 2016
HVCfP contributed to a joint Networks IB skills conference for early career researchers organised by Cogent SSC Ltd which took take place in Manchester on 18-19th May 2016.
Early Career Researcher Joint Networks Event - April 2017
HVCfP collaborated with CBMNet, PHYCONET, FoodWasteNet, BioCatNet, C1Net and ADNet to organise a careers fair aimed at Early Career Researcher (ECR) members on 12th April 2017. The event showcased opportunities in the Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy (IBBE) sector, providing companies and ECRs with an opportunity to meet face to face.
Utilising genetic resources in R&D - July 2017
This training and awareness-raising event provided an opportunity to gain an overview of the Nagoya Protocol and associated EU Regulations which have significant implications for the way R&D using certain plant, microbial and even food waste materials is conducted. This bespoke event was developed to provide information and practical solutions relevant to anyone involved in conducting or supporting R&D using genetic resources. The programme, presentations and Q&A from the event are available to download from the resources panel on the left. As stated in HVCfP membership terms and conditions, postings made in the website secure area should be treated as confidential and must not be passed to non-members. If you choose to download a presentation, please use it in accordance with our terms and conditions.
Introduction to Drug Discovery - December 2017
The HVCfP Network is offering a free, one day training course aimed at members who would like to gain a comprehensive picture of the science and processes underlying small molecule drug discovery in pharmaceutical companies. This course provides a step-by-step overview of the stages of small molecule discovery, evaluation and modification, focusing on typical processes, with comparisons made to plant-based drug and biologics discovery where appropriate. The course is a ‘one-stop-shop’ outlining the major scientific tools of drug discovery and how these contributions are integrated to generate a drug suitable for clinical trial. The award-winning course is presented by Dr. Peter A. Lowe, Novobio who has over 35 years experience in the Pharma and Biotech Industries. Typical past attendees include science-based professionals: biologists, molecular biologists, medicinal chemists, preclinical and clinical development scientists, patent attorneys and project managers. Standard course content is summarised at
Science Entrepreneur Experience - June 2018
This week long event was an opportunity for four HVCfP members who were either PhD students or early career postdoctoral scientists with an interest in entrepreneurship and translating scientific research into commercial ventures. The Science Entrepreneur Experience (SEE) developed and run by the Bristol Consulting Partnership is a 5-day entrepreneurial training course for postgraduate researchers to obtain real experience consulting for companies who are leveraging emerging technologies into the market. The programme ran from 18th to 22nd June 2018 and paired participants with A&R House (BCL), a company working to reduce dietary sugar content through innovative plant processing techniques. This was a unique opportunity to work with CEOs and entrepreneurs to obtain a genuine insight into research commercialisation. Over the course, participants were guided through technology verification, market research, financial forecasting, customer discovery, and commercialisation strategy.
'Beyond the lab: developing your Industrial Biotechnology Career’ conference - July 2018
HVCfP contributed to a residential Joint Networks IB skills conference organised by Cogent SSC Ltd on behalf of a number of Networks. This conference was aimed at PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and early career industry researchers. The objective was to broaden awareness of possible careers outside of the university laboratory, and highlight the professional skills needed in addition to technical skills.